If you've not yet been to the boardwalk, or sampled the joys of Jackson's Coppice and the marsh, now is definitely the time to start. The coppice is easily found by going down The Rock (itself a geological delight), turning right and travelling along the road for around 300 metres. Climb up into the coppice, follow the winding path and enjoy the wildlife (someone regularly feeds the birds), the views and the bluebells - just sprouting now. Can you find the memorial stones? Have you discovered the wayside seats with inscriptions?
Then, back to the road and continue along until you see the field gate for the path to the boardwalk. It's not signed, but simply pass th

rough the gate (kissing is obligatory) then traverse the field down to the bottom left corner where another kissing gate (oh no!) leads you onto the boardwalk. You can do the full circuit, or come off halfway round by going down the steps, over the stile and out onto the main road, opposite the house on stilts. And we have a lovely gallery of photos, taken by Sarah and Webmaster right