Monday, 28 September 2009

I'm a small ad that got lost on the way to e-bay

Not often that the Bishop reduces the number of bikes in the stable, but space is getting tight! This one's a pretty basic mountain bike, medium size, 21 gears, no suspension front or rear, and must now be 12 or 13 years old. It's purple.

It's a Saracen, and at the time they had a well-deserved reputation for great value. This one cost around £450 new, and was a steal at that price. I originally bought it for myself, but it was mainly used by the Bishop's good lady wife. It's purple.

The other thing Saracen had a reputation for was the toughest paint-job around, and this certainly doesn't look like a 12-year-old bike. Plus it has of course been rather well-maintained.

Looking for something in the region of £50 - can probably throw in the odd extra accessory, too!

Did I mention it's purple?


Nick Evans said...

Purple, huh? That would tone perfectly with my eyes. This first foray into unclassified ads could set a whole new trend for the Bugle. We'll have to start charging!

The Offley Bishop said...

By the magic of the Bishop's Offley Bugle, a buyer has now been found.